Thursday, November 12, 2009

Fatima, Daughter of Mohammed

Our Lady is revered in the Qu'ran. She is for Muslims, the true Sayyida, or, Lady. Her only rival might be Fatima herself, the daughter of Mohammed. After the death of Fatima, Mohammed said: "Thou shall be the most blessed of all women in Paradise.........except Mary"

Mons. Fulton Sheen thinks that Our Lady chose the insignificant little village of Fatima, Portugal to visit the world, with such stupendous messages , was because she knew that she would be known to all generations as 'Our Lady of Fatima', and, as a special sign of hope to the Muslim people that they, who show her so much respect, may one day come to her Divine Son.

Portugal was occupied by the Muslims for centuries. Fatima, the Princess, had actually married a Catholic, and, she became a Catholic. When the Muslims left, her husband channged the name of the little town where they lived to 'Fatima'. Oh, the ways of heaven are filled with finesse!
Ad Jesum per Mariam!